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Stahl Group acquires BASF Leather Chemicals business

Stronger product portfolio
Stahl Group acquires BASF Leather Chemicals business

Stahl Group acquires BASF Leather Chemicals business
Huub van Beijeren, CEO of Stahl

Stahl, headquartered in the Netherlands, announced today that it acquired BASF’s Leather Chemicals business, which is part of BASF Performance Chemicals Division. Stahl is a leading company in process chemicals for leather, performance coatings and polymers. The company takes over all activities of BASF Leather Chemicals business, including around 210 positions and a production site in Spain. A stronger product portfolio, increased innovation power and more transparency in the supply chain will be the result of combining forces of the two leading chemical companies.

“The chemical industry is changing at a rapid pace,” Huub van Beijeren explains, CEO of Stahl. “To stay ahead of the game, we need a certain size to invest in the two key topics in our industry: next-generation innovations and sustainability. This acquisition enables us to respond even better to these challenges.” Michael Costello, Director Sustainability, adds: “Being a larger company also accelerates the process towards a more transparent supply chain as we now have more influence to push through initiatives like the elimination of restricted substances, the reduction of greenhouse gases and the use of natural raw materials.”

Equally important, the synergy advantages will lead to a stronger product portfolio and new market opportunities for Stahl. BASF has innovative solutions complementing Stahl’s portfolio such as a complete range of products to make high-performance waterproof leather and new polymeric retanning agents. In addition, BASF has a strong range of beamhouse products. Anup Kothari, President Performance Chemicals at BASF: “As part of Stahl Group, BASF Leather Chemicals will be well positioned for the future. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, our customers will benefit from the combined expertise along the entire leather-making value chain.”

The acquisition fits in Stahl’s growth strategy: expanding its global presence via organic growth, technology acquisitions and partnerships. This strategy has led Stahl to become the market leader in leather chemicals, performance coatings and polymers in terms of knowledge, expertise and range of technical solutions.

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