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Malvern and Netzsch to cooperate

materials processing and materials characterisation
Malvern and Netzsch to cooperate

08.05.2013 – Materials and biophysical characterisation company Malvern Instruments Ltd. and Netzsch Grinding & Dispersing, a worldwide manufacturer of industrial wet and dry grinding, mixing, dispersing and kneading equipment, have entered into a cooperative marketing agreement. Both organisations serve a broad range of market sectors from pharmaceuticals, ceramics, nano-technology applications, food and surface coatings through to mining metals and minerals.

The global agreement, initially in place for three years, will harness the strength of each company’s world-leading brands and unique expertise in materials processing and materials characterization. Under the terms of the agreement Netzsch will standardise on Malvern’s particle sizing and characterisation equipment, primarily the Mastersizer 3000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer. Customers and prospective customers of each company will gain access both to the extensive milling knowledge of the Netzsch teams and to the particle sizing know-how of Malvern Instruments. This combined approach supports the further development of solutions and services to meet increasingly specific individual customer needs.
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