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Endress+Hauser breaks new ground

Additional production and office space in Germany
Endress+Hauser breaks new ground

Endress+Hauser breaks new ground
Ground-breaking ceremony at temperature measurement specialist Endress+Hauser Wetzer in Nesselwang
Additional production and office space in Germany

Endress+Hauser breaks new ground
25.04.2016 – Endress+Hauser is expanding its center of competence for temperature measurement technology in Nesselwang, Germany. The global market for high-end products is constantly growing, making the expansion necessary. “We wish to continue our investment and production in Germany,” underlined Managing Director Harald Hertweck. The new building is required due to the introduction of new products, the overall optimisation of production and the continuously growing workforce. “Expansion of our production and office space will help secure long-term growth,” explained Harald Hertweck. Endress+Hauser Wetzer GmbH+Co. KG is going to invest a total of 10 million euros in the new building with a total floor space of 4800 m².
Plans for the new building also involved the optimisation of production processes. Operations were restructured and modernised based on the one-piece flow principle, making them significantly more efficient. This makes it possible to increase the efficiency and transparency of production processes. As a result, expensive machinery and equipment can be used far more economically in the future.
Ground-breaking ceremony at temperature measurement specialist Endress+Hauser Wetzer in Nesselwang
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