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Changes in the executive board of Hermetic

Dr. Roland Krämer is retiring
Changes in the executive board of Hermetic

Changes in the executive board of Hermetic
Dr. Roland Krämer retired from the executive board of Hermetic-Pumpen GmbH after 46 years of service to the company
Dr. Roland Krämer retired from the executive board of Hermetic-Pumpen GmbH in January 2017, after 46 years of service to the company. In the owner-managed family enterprise, Dr. Roland Krämer has shaped and affected the company‘s development as technical director (since 1976) and since 1993 as managing director of technical affairs where he was vital to the success for Hermetic to become a technology leader in the field of canned motor pumps.

Dr. Krämer‘s leaving the company will lead to changes of the executive board. As chief executive officer, Mr. Nicolaus Krämer will be responsible for corporate strategy and business operations relevant to the areas of technology, purchasing and production. Ms. Christiane Krämer remains responsible for administration, finance and human resources. Mr. Sebastian Dahlke is a newly appointed member of the executive board, and will be responsible for sales.
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