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Bilfinger awarded contract by Saudi Aramco

Modernisation project
Bilfinger awarded contract by Saudi Aramco

Bilfinger awarded contract by Saudi Aramco
Berri Gas Plant of Saudi Aramco Picture: Saudi Aramco

Bilfinger Middle East has been awarded the contract by Saudi Aramco to modernise the airpressure system at the Berri Gas Plant on the Gulf Coast in Saudi Arabia. The contract provides for the engineering, procurement, and construction of the system. Berri Gas Plant has been in operation for 40 years now and has a production capacity of approximately 41 million m3 per day. The new air-pressure system of the facility, to be completed turnkey-ready by the end of 2019, is intended to enhance the reliability of the plant through a combination of syste m retrofits and technology upgrades.

Saudi Aramco has opted for Bilfinger in particular due to Bilfinger’s comprehensive experience in providing integrated solutions without disrupting plant operations. Another key requirement of the project is to increase the plant’s efficiency. Saudi Aramco uses state-of-the-art technology as part of its award-winning energy conservation programme at Berri Gas Plant.

Bilfinger has been doing business for nearly half a century in Saudi Arabia, focusing on the natural gas and energy sector. The contract from Saudi Aramco is another flagship project launched to augment the efficiency and performance of a plant in this field.

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