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Pneumatic bulk bag discharging system

Process Engineering
Pneumatic bulk bag discharging system

Pneumatic bulk bag discharging system
A bulk bag discharger with integral pneumatic conveying system has been specifically engineered by Flexicon to enable companies to stock-pile bulk material such as powders, flakes and granules in storage silos positioned alongside production process lines and where direct access for large-volume bulk delivery by rail or bulk truck is impractical. The totally sealed system prevents potential release of material into the working environment helping maintain a cleaner and safer operational plant.

A cantilever I-beam with electric hoist and trolley automatically lifts and positions each bulk bag directly over a collection hopper, a Spout-Lock clamp ring providing the high-integrity seal between the clean side of the bag spout and the clean side of the equipment to eliminate escape of materials and any associated dust particles. The transfer station also features the Flexicon Tele-Tube, a telescoping tube that maintains constant downward pressure on the clamp ring and bag spout, elongating the bag as it empties. Material flow is further aided by Flow-Flexer bag activators that raise and lower the opposite bottom sides of the bag in timed intervals to ensure a complete discharge of the materials into a surge hopper. The surge hopper is equipped with a high capacity rotary airlock valve to feed material into the pneumatic conveying line leading from a positive displacement blower at high rates. The advantage of Flexicon’s pneumatic conveying system is that it creates a positive pressure in the line to facilitate easier transfer to the bulk storage silos.
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