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Mechanical seal for waste water pumps

Plant Processing
Mechanical seal for waste water pumps

Mechanical seal for waste water pumps
Mechanical seal for waste water pumps

KSB has developed a double mechanical seal in tandem arrangement which is especially well suited to the requirements of dry-installed and wet-installed waste water pumps. During the development of the 4STQ – a double mechanical seal module – the engineers strove to ensure that its installation and removal remained as straightforward as possible. Assembly fixtures and fastening bolts are not required, and the seal’s modular design minimises downtime during maintenance inspections as well as preventing faulty reassembly. A multi-spring arrangement provides required pre-loading for the primary rings themselves. The multiple springs are located outside the fluid handled in the oil reservoir so that the individual springs are protected from contamination. The primary rings are made of silicon carbide as standard, with tungsten carbide also available on option. All metal components are manufactured from corrosion-resistant stainless steels such as 1.4122 or 1.4571. FKM elastomers are used for the O-rings.
www.cpp-net.com search: cpp0316ksb
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