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Rapid microbial detection system

Rapid microbial detection system

Rapid microbial detection system
The Milliflex Quantum microbial detection system enables drug and vaccine manufacturers to respond to microorganism contamination earlier in the production process. The system provides results very quickly and is designed to improve product quality management. Milliflex Quantum is based on two technologies – membrane filtration, performed with proven Milliflex membrane filtration devices, and fluorescent staining – to ensure consistent, reliable results. In addition, the validation process is streamlined because it involves only minimal changes to the compendial tests currently used. The system is ideal for testing raw material, in-process samples, final product and environmental samples. It is non-destructive, an important feature that enables operators to grow microorganisms in order to identify them with standard ID technology.

The Milliflex Quantum system consists of a reader, camera and fluorescent reagents used in combination with the Milliflex plus pump, Milliflex filtration devices and media cassettes.
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