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Predictive maintenance in the 4.0 era Condition monitoring wit Viboguard IIoT

IIOT Instrumentation & Automation
Predictive maintenance in the 4.0 era Condition monitoring wit Viboguard IIoT

The Vibguard IIoT from Prueftechnik with 16 analogue channels for online machine and plant monitoring has an MQTT interface allowing it to be integrated seamlessly in the IIoT. The major advantages of the MQTT protocol include global data availability at all times, reduced data volume, and improved data security. The online condition monitoring system can be fully networked via a broker-client structure. Vibration measurement data is provided in a standardised manner and can be used seamlessly by other machines and programmes. As a result, vibration measurement data can be linked directly with other measurement data (e. g. weather, flow rate, etc.) thanks to machine learning programmes, for example. Evaluating such data allows machine and production processes to be sustainably improved. Measurement data can be scaled thanks to the „Publish-Subscriber“ principle. The user is only shown the data that is really relevant via a „Tweet“ (similar to Twitter). At the same time, live visualisation is possible, too.

The Vibguard IIoT with 16 analogue channels was developed especially for continuous online condition monitoring of stand-alone machines: pumps, conveyor belts, fans, mixers, compressors, centrifuges etc. For global data availability Prueftechnik supplies the browser-based Omnitrend asset view software.


Online search: cpp0219prueftechnik

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