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Highly robust positioner

Instrumentation & Automation
Highly robust positioner

Highly robust positioner
With the Sipart PS100, Siemens is presenting a new positioner that is impressively easy to commission and highly robust. Picture:  Siemens

With the Sipart PS100, Siemens is presenting a positioner that is impressively easy to commission and highly robust. The Sipart PS100 can be initialised quickly at the touch of a button, automatically adjusting itself to the attached valve. If required, it is possible to optimise the positioner for a specific application with just one further touch of a button. Just as some cameras feature portrait, sport or night mode, the positioner can be set to different modes for precise and fast adjustment, open/close operation and other applications. The Sipart PS100 is fitted with a large, easy to read display that allows users to see the status of the device at a glance. With its four-button operation and Namur NE107 support, the device can be configured quickly and conveniently.


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