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Updated filtration products

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Updated filtration products

Updated filtration products
In the future, Siemens customers will be able to choose from an extended range of systems for treating water even more cost effectively. The reconfigured Memcor CP ultrafiltration product line provides up to 50 % more membrane area in the same footprint than previous pressurised module designs. Siemens has also expanded the Memcor XP prod-uct line, doubling the flow range to up to 500,000 gallons per day (GPD). Finally, the Trident HSC system has been expanded to include two new sizes between 7.5 and 15 million gallons per day (MGD).

The Memcor CP system is a compact pressurized, pre-engineered system with a modular building-block design that reduces installation costs and simplifies operation. The hollow-fiber membranes provide a verifiable barrier, ensuring removal of turbidity, suspended solids, viruses and pathogens. Using Memcor L20V PVdf membranes, the CP system allows for better use of available space, reducing equipment costs by up to 20 % compared to earlier CP designs. The Memcor CP now contains models which utilise up to 120, 240 and 960 L20V ultrafiltration modules.
The Memcor XP pressurised membrane system is a compact, self-contained filtration system that is shipped fully assembled and factory tested, minimising integration, installation and startup costs. The updated product line uses L20V membranes, allowing up to 500,000 GPD from one skidded system.
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