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Ultrasonic flow and heat meter

Energy & Environment
Ultrasonic flow and heat meter

Model TFX Ultra by Badger Meter is available in two versions: as stand-alone ultrasonic flow meter, and as energy flow meter used in conjunction with dual clamp-on resistance temperature devices. Energy flow can be delivered in miscellaneous units. The energy flow meter is suited for retrofit, chilled water and other HVAC applications. As stand-alone flow meter, the instrument can be used for liquids and gases. The bi-directional flow rate is measured within a velocity range of 0.03 to 12 m/s in pipe sizes of DN50 to DN 3000 with an accuracy of ±1 % of reading or ±0.003 m/s within a temperature range of -40 to +85 °C. A large variety of communication protocols, fieldbus and Ethernet connections is offered. The instrument clamps onto the outside of pipes hand has no contact with the internal liquid. With no moving parts, there is nothing on the system to wear down.

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