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Tungsten carbide for wear protection

Energy & Environment
Tungsten carbide for wear protection

Tungsten carbide, in different forms as bulk material or coating, provides wear protection. Durit offers slugs, semi-finished products, structural components and tools from different types of tungsten carbide that exhibit different hardness and wear resistances. They are applied for transporting and processing highly abrasive media. In detail valve components, bearing guides, sockets, and sliding ring as well as drill bits and cutting tools are produced. As application example the retrofitting of the drill bit and secondary components for the production of oil and natural gas is given. The choice of the suitable sort of tungsten carbide resulted from a detailed analysis of the wear pattern and the geometry of all applied parts and components. GD3F, GD05, GD10 and GD20 were selected as four different, well-adapted qualities. Now only one maintenance appointment for replacing all applied wear components is required.

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