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Main automation contractor

Energy & Environment
Main automation contractor

Emerson Process Management has formed a strategic relationship with Secure Energy, Inc. to help build a 575 million Euro alternative energy plant in Decatur, Illinois, USA, the first coal gasification-to-synthetic natural gas plant to be constructed in the United States in two decades. According to this strategic relationship, Emerson will serve as the main automation contractor (MAC), responsible for managing and digitally automating the Secure Energy plant that will convert 1.27 million t/a of Illinois coal into 595 million m³ of pipeline quality natural gas. The modular facility is a template for four additional clean coal plants that Secure Energy intends to construct in other parts of the United States. Emerson will establish automation and process control protocols that can be modified as necessary to create plants that are coal-to-diesel, coal-to-gasoline, coal-to-fertiliser or other clean coal processes.

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