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High filtration efficiency

Energy & Environment
High filtration efficiency

High filtration efficiency
The filter media Synteq XP increases the efficiency significantly while simultaneously reducing the energy consumption due to a much lower differential pressure. By this up to 40 % additional energy savings can be achieved. In order to make optimal use of this high savings potential, Donaldson offers a filter element replacement for the previously available housing ranges.

The filter medium Synteq XP combines two innovations in one product: A unique fibre blend filtration media and a new manufacturing technology. With the Synteq XP technology polyester fibres and micro-fine borosilicate fibres are thermally melted together without using binder. The use of the polyester fibres creates a long-term stable structure, which sustainably supports the high filtration efficiency and dirt holding capacity of the borosilicate fibres. Synteq XP thereby combines highest filtration performance by the extraordinary depth of the fibre bed with an optimal dirt holding capacity and great stability.
The performance data of the Synteq XP compressed air filters, which are offered for various applications as fine, micro and sub-micro filters, are tested and validated according to the international filter standard ISO 12500-1. T
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