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Energy-efficient conveyors

Energy & Environment
Energy-efficient conveyors

Energy-efficient conveyors
Engineered to be compact yet powerful, the C2100–64 from Piab quietly and hygienically conveys powder and bulk materials in spaces with very low ceilings or limited space. The conveyor features Coax multistage ejector technology, consuming less air and energy than other compressed-air-driven conveyors available. The design of the conveyor improves the vacuum-assisted flow by 25 % without affecting energy consumption. The C-2100–64 is able to transport up to 1.0 to 1.5 t/h of powders and granules. Constructed of stainless steel 316L, it is designed to withstand demanding manufacturing environment. The C2100–64 conveyor can be equipped with a Mahle filter, which is recommended for powders with a particle size of 0.5 µm and greater depending on powder properties. The conveyor operates at feed pres-sures between 0.4 to 0.6 MPa and at working temperatures between 0 and +60 °C.

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