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Rotating tube furnace with removable work tube

Plant Processing
Rotating tube furnace with removable work tube

Rotating tube furnace with removable work tube
Rotating tube furnace with removable work tube

Rotating tube furnaces are used for continuous heat treatment of small sample volumes (approx. 1 to 10 l) of powders or granulates, also under inert gas (e.g. calcinations). Carbolite’s 3 zone split tube furnace RHZS has a maximum operating temperature of 1150 °C and is based on the reliable model HZS 12/900. The three heating zones have an overall heating length of 900 mm. The furnace frame can be easily adjusted between horizontal and approximately 10° of incline. Variable tilt and rotation speeds result in highly flexible residence times. Wire elements in high quality vacuum formed insulation ensure fast heat up, excellent temperature uniformity and short cool down times.
Operation of Carbolite’s RHZS is user-friendly and safe. The work tube is easily removed by opening this split tube furnace, which also allows easy access e. g. for cleaning. A safety switch automatically stops the tube from rotating and interrupts the power supply for the heating elements. The sample is automatically fed into the rotating tube via a Retsch vibratory feeder and recovered in a 5 l collecting vessel after the heat treatment process is finished.
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