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Magnetic inductive flow meter

Achema Instrumentation & Automation
Magnetic inductive flow meter

Magnetic inductive flow meter
The magnetic inductive flow meter CMAG delivers highly accurate and reliable measurement data Picture: GEA

To complement automated production plants, for example, in the food, pharmaceutical and biotech industries, GEA developed the magnetic inductive flow meter CMAG. It delivers highly accurate and reliable measurement data. Its hygienic stainless steel design and the aseptic flange make it suitable for sensitive processes. The small footprint enables more flexible positioning within the plant. Installation and commissioning do not involve a significant expenditure of time. In addition, it is energy-efficient thanks to its low power consumption and can easily be connected via an M12 plug. High measuring dynamics and vacuum resistance even at very high temperatures are further advantages. As an option, the CMAG is also available with an illuminated display.


Hall 4.0, Booth F46

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