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Flexible tripod agitators

Achema Process Engineering
Flexible tripod agitators

Flexible tripod agitators
Stainless steel tripod agitator for the pharmaceutical industry, including touch screen , container clamping, segmented helical ribbon-type agitator and spring lid Picture: Geppert

Geppert offers complete tripod agitators, equipped with up-to date process control. These machines offer flexibility of application and are easy to clean and maintain. Due to the tripod agitators’ stand-alone statics they may be applied with various container sizes, shapes or volumes. Data aquisition and processing make even online viscosity measurements possible. For special requirements arising from the product or the production area, tailor-made versions of the tripod agitators are available. So the devices can be delivered as explosion-proof models according to Atex RL  2014/34/EU for use in hazardous zones 1 and 2 as well as containers with zones 0 to 1. In addition, special designs like tripod agitators for fixed container mixers or fully automated plants, which are used in clean rooms or areas of nuclear waste processing, complete the product range.


Online search: cpp0218geppert

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