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Pekka Tiitinen named head

ABB’s Discrete Automation and Motion division
Pekka Tiitinen named head

22.08.2013 – Pekka Tiitinen, the global head of ABB’s Drives and Controls business, has been appointed to ABB’s Executive Committee as head of the Discrete Automation and Motion (DM) division as of Sept. 15, 2013. He succeeds Ulrich Spiesshofer, who is taking over as ABB CEO.

Tiitinen (46), a Finnish citizen, has been responsible for ABB’s Drives and Controls business since it was formed in January 2013. Before that he was head of the global Low Voltage Drives business for 10 years, with a very successful track record particularly in China, the US and Europe. During this period he grew the drives business organically, led important technological innovations and improved profitability sustainably. The Drives and Controls business unit is the world’s largest industrial drives business, with more than 6,000 employees in 80 countries. From 2006 to 2010, he was also a regional division manager in ABB’s Northern Europe region, which comprises 20 countries from Ireland in the west to Russia in the east.
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