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Lödige receives largest order in company history

Mixing reactors for China
Lödige receives largest order in company history

Lödige receives largest order in company history
Four mixing reactors with a volume of over 20 m³ each will be produced especially for Chinese company from the fine chemicals sector
Mixing reactors for China

Lödige receives largest order in company history
05.09.2016 – Gebrüder Lödige Maschinenbau GmbH announced the largest order in the history of the company: A Chinese company from the fine chemicals sector rdered four mixing reactors of the DVT type from the long-established Paderborn-based company. The customised machines with a total value in the upper single-digit million range are to be shipped to China in the second half of 2017.
The customer is investing in these new machines to, on the one hand, increase their production capacities and, on the other hand, to enhance their product quality. Furthermore, these machines will allow the company to meet the requirements as laid down by the Chinese environmental authorities. Lödige was selected primarily for the mechanical engineering company‘s experience in process and apparatus engineering. In addition, being mixer experts, Lödiges´ ability and know how to produce machines in accordance with Chinese pressure vessel regulations.
Like all Lödige machines these four mixing reactors with a volume of over 20 m³ each will be produced especially for the customer.
This order emphasises the importance of the Asian market for Lödige: For this year, Lödige expects over a quarter of its orders to come from this region.
Four mixing reactors with a volume of over 20 m³ each will be produced especially for Chinese company from the fine chemicals sector
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